U18 Girls presentation night

Wonderful night to celebrate the U18 girls season and award the Celia Piese B&F award.
A big and very respectful crowd saw Bianca Keogh cap off a top season taking out 1st place, 2nd Hannah Laffey & 3rd Shae Collinson.
Thanks to Celia for coming down from Wangaratta for the evening to present the trophies to the girls.
Most Improved- Ally Waldron
Most Determined – Chiara Scuderi
Best team player – Taylah Harris
Coaches award – Shelby Coall
Rookie of the year – Molly Driver
Coleman Medalist – Ebony Harris
Goal of the year – Jemma Laffey
Mark of the year – Gemma Morganti
Best team tackle – Emma Dunell
Player of the finals – Bianca Keogh
Club award – Taylor Langford & Maddie Gallagher