NFNL Junior Levy


As part of the NFNL’s commitment to continuous improvement, the NFNL Board has been discussing the junior finals structure and other junior related programs and the cost to clubs and families. After exploring a number of options, the NFNL Board would like to notify clubs of a new NFNL levy to be applied commencing from season 2016. Current Model In 2015 the NFNL junior finals were hosted by 8 clubs. To host NFNL finals a number of factors are taken into account before the NFNL will offer a club the opportunity to host junior finals. Some of these factors are:

  1. Council approval
  2. Condition of ground
  3. Facilities
  4. Suitable perimeter fencing for the NFNL to charge an entry fee
  5. Club performance To host NFNL finals is not a right, and the NFNL sets a number of performance measures for host clubs to meet to ensure that all NFNL finals are conducted at the highest possible standard. If a club is successful in gaining the hosting rights, it must be seen as a form of recognition and not as their right to host finals. Ideally the NFNL would prefer to share the hosting of junior finals amongst as many clubs as possible.

Under the current model this is not possible largely due to infrastructure constraints to charge an entry fee. To eliminate this constraint and not charge an entry fee will place the NFNL under enormous financial pressure, which would lead to a significant increase in affiliation and team fees. It is also important to note that managing gates at all finals is quite labour intensive, but it is a vital element of the current model.

Currently, all spectators 16+ years of age are charged an entry fee of $7 per final. If a player is supported by both parents and two additional adult family members (Grandparents, siblings etc.), the cost per week will be $28, and for all three rounds of junior finals, $84 for one family. This is a significant cost for all families. Therefore, the NFNL Board would like to announce to all junior clubs, an updated model that would take effect for the  season. Under the new proposed model below, a one off payment per player will provide significant savings to every family in the NFNL.

Proposed New Model

The new model approved by the NFNL Board is: Every junior player who registers for an NFNL U/9 – U/18 competition with an NFNL club from 2016 onwards, shall pay a levy of $25 per season. The benefits of this model are:

  1. This levy shall eliminate the entry fee charge at all NFL junior finals, and this model will allow additional family members and friends to attend the NFNL junior finals without having to worry about financial implications.
  2. This also allows those who are not participating in finals to go along and support other teams from their club in finals free of charge.
  3. More NFNL clubs will be given the opportunity to share in the hosting of the NFL junior finals.
  4. This will open up access to the best grounds and venues to host finals who previously could not host finals due to the inability to manage entry fees.
  5. Players will have the opportunity to play on grounds that are in the best condition for the biggest games of the year.
  6. This model will also streamline the operations and improve the efficiencies of managing the NFNL junior finals.
  7. The levy will also cover the cost to clubs for the NFNL Junior Presentation Night to now become a free night for everyone.
  8. Enables the NFNL to increase resources into education, umpiring, junior representative programs, female football and other junior programs as required.

It is important to keep in mind that this is not a finals levy but a junior levy and although the younger age groups do not play in finals, spectator’s aged 16+ will be able to support friends who are playing in finals or other teams from your club without having to pay an entry fee.

The levy shall be payable at the time a player is registered online each year via Footyweb, and this will avoid the NFNL charging clubs to collect the levy. This will take effect from the 1st November 2015. The NFNL sees this change as a very positive change for everyone involved in the NFNL, and it is vital that all clubs communicate this with their families before the registrations open on the 1st November.

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