MJFC Newsletter – #2 2019

Newsletter –
Issue 2 1st May 2019

Well footy is definitely back and its great to see everyone back at the club for another great season at MJFC.  A huge thank you to all our volunteers, long standing and new, who keep the club ticking along and allow our kids to get out there and play each week.

It was terrific to see so many members and their families attend the Monty RSL march from Were st for the ceremony that followed.  It was nice that MC, Duncan Duke mentioned the junior football club for encouraging so many of the younger generation to carry the memories on as the generations grow older. A couple of the U12 girls laid a wreath on behalf of the club, Molly Brown and Ella McCall.

Great work Logan Butcher on achieving 100 top notch games for Monty in round 2.  One of the clubs U17 boys, Nik Cox also recently played for the Australian U17 side against the NZ team, it must be said they certainly had their measure.

In further good news, we were lucky enough to receive a grant to start the Simms rd roof over the deck, only half for now, but welcome relief from the elements in, however don’t expect it up in time for Winter.  Special mention to Nick Hanvin for his efforts here.

This coming week is community Umpiring week so please show your continued respect to the leagues umpires. We have many a current and former player running round in yellow along with quite a few family members offspring.

And don’t forget we have the club fundraising Comedy Night on Friday 14th June at the Para rd rooms, $40 per ticket with drinks at bar prices, the line up will be announced soon but save the date.

It was also great to see our under 9’s teams showcased at the Monty Mingle on Sunday.  Thanks to all the families who came along. The boys were certainly entertaining on stage and proudly sung the Club song for everyone! 

Our next Monty mingle is the 19th May.


Darren Rigg

MJFC President 0447 507 853