2020 NFNL Season Cancelled

Hi all Monty JFC members and families,

After the recent Victorian State Government announcements regarding Level 3 COVID-19 restrictions and the obvious impacts on community sport, the NFNL and all member clubs have agreed to cancel the 2020 season.

We would like to take this opportunity to offer a heartfelt and very sincere thank you to all our club sponsors, the Executive Committee, our coaches, our team managers, our volunteers and our families and players for their patience, respect and unwavering support during this time.

As a community club just seeing the smiles on the faces of our players, families and volunteers at training has been really heart warming to see.  It’s really great to see how wonderful our football community is.  It was great to see everyone come together and help lift each other up in these difficult times.

The MJFC look forward to welcoming all players and families back at the club when it’s safe to do so in 2021.

If you would like to read the full statement by the NFNL you can do so by clicking this link http://nfnl.org.au/nfnl-statement-junior-football-and-senior-netball-update/

Thank you again for all your support in 2020.

The MJFC Executive Committee